Wednesday, January 20, 2010

where there's smoke...

The scene opens on a college marketing employee working at her desk. Time period: last Wednesday, mid-afternoon

Coworker "V": (walking past my desk) It smells kind of smoky in here.

Wendy: That's true, it does.

V: (continuing down the hall) Whatever [boss "E"] has burning in her office is smoking like crazy!

Wendy: What? (I jump out of my chair and realize the hall is filling with smoke. I enter E's office which is full of smoke.) It must be the space heater under her desk. (Fearing flames I looked under the desk to find a leather briefcase pushed against the space heater.)

V: (Standing in the hall watching me buzz about saving the office from ruin. Repeat, just standing there.)

Wendy: (Pulling the briefcase away from the space heater I assess the damage) Well, it's not ruined.

E: (Nowhere to be found.)

Wendy: We were probably seconds away from the fire alarm going off.

V: Probably. (Walks down the hall.)

Wendy: Thinking: Really? I just saved the office from burning down. Not to mention saving ["E"] from complete embarrassment and evacuation of the entire building.

Moral(s) of the story:

  • Don't put a space heater under your desk. Duh.
  • Show a little appreciation the next time I save your job and therefore your life.*
  • Sheesh.
*Drama added for comedic effect.


kate said...

you are a hero! i can't believe the nonchalance of your coworker. scary! (the fire. . .not the coworker.) (okay, maybe both)

Coopers said...

nice work.
space heaters can be scary.
i remember as a kid always worrying about a fire with them.
now i see why.