Tuesday, January 26, 2010

waffle baffle

I have a co-worker who claims he has never eaten a waffle. Pancakes? Yes. He told me he ate so many pancakes on his LDS mission, in fact, that he can no longer stand to eat them.

I question his knowledge of what a waffle is. That's the only explanation I've come up with. I mean really, how can a person who grew up in Utah AND has parents have never eaten a waffle? Did I mention he's over 30 years old?! I think it's apparent I'm appalled by this.

Maybe he's just afraid of waffles for some disturbing reason. Our boss made us Belgian waffles for breakfast at a department retreat a few weeks ago and he ended up with the stomach flu and didn't attend. Likely story.

The real dilemma is this: How can I reasonably trust a person who has never eaten a waffle? No wonder I feel compelled to play practical jokes on the guy.

A waffle party is already in the works for his birthday this year.


kate said...

oooh! i like your header update! and that's just plain sad. (and weird.) waffles are so wonderful! poor deprived soul.

Michele said...

howaffle for him....

Caleb said...

Waffles are wonderful. It's like eating thirty little bowls of syrup.

Wendy said...

Kate: Thanks! I admit I have headers made for the rest of the year already :)

Very funny Mom...

Caleb: So true! We all know there is sugar in syrup so it has to be good!

Coopers said...

What the?

Leggo my eggo?


Deprived kid. And adult.