Tuesday, July 14, 2009

chicken little

The sky may very well be falling.

I had a reasonably important work presentation at noon yesterday for which I had planned to finish preparing that morning. I should have known that would mean we would be having campus-wide computer problems when I got to work. My computer not working = I literally can't work on anything. The problem was sorted out at 11:30 and I scrambled to get things together for my presentation. The meeting went well (to my great relief), but what should happen as soon as I returned to my office? The power went out. It was almost as if someone was trying to keep me from accomplishing anything. Or maybe they were trying to win me a day off...

The power eventually turned back on, but when it went off again while I was in the middle of composing this post, I decided to call it a day. Home and a popsicle cure all ills.