Thursday, October 30, 2008

As of late

I've had a seemingly unquenchable craving for CRAFTS. That's right. I bet you thought I was going to say cucumbers (for those that know me well) or chocolate (for those that know the natural food preferences of women in general - including me). I don't know why I've been having these cravings, but they have manifested themselves in a multitude of exciting projects. Everything from crepe paper decorating and cupcake frosting to quilt sewing and Halloween costume fashioning (for a giant inflatable man no less). Because that's what I've been craving as of late.



kate said...

oooh! so excited to see!

Coopers said...

Now you just need to put some scrap booking in there...and you are set! If only there was more hours* in the day to do it all...

*actually scratch hours, money is what I need more of.