Monday, April 19, 2010


Note to self: Never ask primary children how old they think you are. It's not good for your ego.

P.S. I'm the primary chorister in my ward now. Still doing the cub scout gig as well.


kate said...

what, did they guess you're 13? you look so stinking young. . .

primary chorister is SUCH a fun calling!! i am truly very jealous. re: cub scouts, i just couldn't say, but i'm assuming you have fun there too, because, well, you're you.

Wendy said...

Ha, ha, ha Kate. Actually, one of them yelled out "35!".

As for Cub Scouts, we've almost had Cub Scout for dinner a few times (to hide the body of course), but they are generally pretty fun to work with.

Coopers said...

ha funny. i was going to guess that they thought you were 16.
35?! ha.
it is funny. when i told my class i was 24 (now 25) they were all telling me how old their mom's were. i'm sure they appreciated me now knowing they are in their 40's.

Amylee said...

Ha ha ha ha ha!