Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Nursery II

Conversation with nursery child whose mother is pregnant...

Me: Are you going to have a new baby in your family?
Nursery child: Uh-huh.
Me: Is it a girl or a boy?
Nursery child: [blank stare]
Nursery child: It's in mommy's tummy!
Me: You're right, the baby is in your mommy's tummy.
Nursery child: Do you have a baby in your tummy?
Me: No, I don't.
Nursery child: Why?
Me: Ummm

I'm now accepting suggestions of an explanation I could have shared that wouldn't elicit further questioning from a 3 year old...


kate said...

hee hee! that's a toughie. i always face such situations by answering a question with a question. like: why? well why do pigs snort? that usually distracts them.

Rebecca said...

I would have just said "I don't know!" or my hubby suggested maybe saying "It's complicated." haha

Amylee said...

I hate the expression "LOL" so I will have to write that I am laughing out loud right now. I think the appropriate response is:

You: [blank stare]
You: Do you like trains?