Monday, April 6, 2009


A few weeks ago in Nursery:

I was giving the lesson about "Sunday." Why it's a special day, what we do on Sunday, etc. We talked about going to church on Sundays and that our church building is a special place.

Me: Do you know what else is a special place?
Nursery child: The home!
Me: (Impressed by the child's response since it was to be my next comment) Did you read the lesson manual?
Child: (Nods) Uh-huh.
Me thinking: This is why I love being in the nursery. Even if some weeks are really hard.


kate said...

little liar. i really worry about our future when i hear about kids lying like that.

hope you have lots of help in there, nursery is exhausting (i'm in there 3 weeks out of four lately.) you are perfect for it though and those kids really will be affected by you. they can feel the spirit already.

Coopers said...

I totally forgot that you did nursery! So fun. I remember you saying that you have a lot of kids. But at least you get a snack during church.

Rebecca said...

haha that's great! you really have the perfect personality for nursery, i'm sure the kids LOVE you!

Amylee said...

Nursery IS hard! We were nursery leaders for 4 years... way too long. At least you know there are moments of greatness in it.