Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I know this book is old news but there's bound to be someone out there who hasn't read it yet. The waiting list at the library was so long I finally caved in and bought it this week.

I started reading last night and had to pull myself away (after several hours of reading) so I could say I accomplished something before Greg got home from school (which doesn't happen until almost nine o'clock). Catch my drift? I haven't been swept up in a book like this for a while. I got a pit in my stomach when the main character did. I got butterflies when she did too. It's a definite must read.

Mom, you can borrow my copy.

Thanks for the tip all-of-blogdom.


Coopers said...

Funny, I just read that a few weeks ago! I was also going to wait for it from the library and just ended up buying it. Smart move. Good book.

kate said...

loved it. such an interesting format, but it really worked. so what's next on the reading list?

Michele said...

you knew i would ask....

Amylee said...

I love this book, too! I read it a few months ago. It was so refreshing!