Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Last night marked the beginning of our grand new adventure called Graduate School. As I sent Greg off with a kiss, pb&j, and string cheese for the road, I had a "mom moment." At least I think that's what it was. I'm not a mom so I can't be completely sure, but it felt like other moments I've had...my nursery kids getting excited about going to the bathroom all by themselves or my cub scouts grinning proudly because they've hammered together a lopsided wooden toolbox. I felt like I should have been taking pictures as he drove down our driveway.

I was proud.

He's mine. He's taking the next big leap into his (our) future. I was reminded of the scene in Little Women when Laurie is leaving for college and Jo says, "You'll come back knowing all sorts of things I don't know and then I'll hate you." I certainly won't hate Greg for the things he learns but I don't want to be left behind. I guess you could say...

I'm hoping to leap with him.

I'm formulating my own "Graduate School" of sorts to be completed while Greg does his. I don't want to look back 14 months from now (fingers crossed it will only take that long) at Greg's graduation and wonder what I've been doing. Some of the things I've added to my list are mundane tasks like creating organizational systems for virtually every aspect of my existence, while others are more challenging like finally learning to play the guitar. Greg will walk away with a diploma, experience and opportunity. I'm hoping to walk away with something too.

What would be on your list?


Michele said...

My list would include: mastering Clair de Lune, in depth study of Jesus the Christ by Talmage, taking a sewing/pattern making class, learning to play the organ, swimming a mile, running a mile, decluttering (I know- impossible without a dumpster), read a book a week, and so on.

kate said...

i so get ya. i felt the same way last year. it is exciting though and i do see that by managing our home and organizing our life i have grown a lot, and you will too.

i was having a moment like that a few months ago though and went right out and bought a cheap guitar. i love plucking away at it, but it honestly doesn't happen often enough.

i still hope to: develop a photog hobby/talent, do some more serious organizing, get our home decorated to the point where it really feels finished, gather/make more educational resources for the girls, learn more hymns/primary songs on the pianer, i could go on and on.

i hope you will find some things to stretch you and bring you both happiness. i'm sure you will. and thanks for your sweet note! it was so good to see you!