Monday, June 15, 2009


It's going to be a long two days (Greg is at scout camp). I already miss him. Pathetic? We usually e-mail back and forth a bit throughout the day at work and it always makes the day go by faster. I tell him something funny a coworker said, he sends me a link to a ridiculous news story. I send him a quote from Kung Fu Panda, he replies with one from The Office. That's true love for you folks.

How do I console myself under such conditions? I already treated myself to lunch (Mexican, of course, since Greg won't touch it) and I plan on taking a long bubble bath tonight while I continue a re-read of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (refresher before the movie). Maybe this isn't so bad after all...


Scott and Shay said...

Being away from the hubs is the worst! I hope you can make it!

Coopers said...

Lee is gone this weekend for Scout camp. I'll have to think of things to do too.

And yes, I still think that it is unfortunate that Greg does not like Mexican. I think that it is one of my favorites. Good job at treating yourself!