Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Sometimes I say "lucky" when I should say "blessed." It's not that I don't know it wasn't me that made something good happen, and it's not that I'm afraid to admit it, so what is it?

Greg rode his bike to work this morning. This means he got there early as compared to when he waits to ride (in the car) with me and ends up getting there, well, not early. I was in the process (trust me, it's a process) of doing my hair when I realized my keys and phone were both in the car. Seeing as we are in the habit of locking our car, I panicked. It's just a pain to walk to the neighbors' and borrow their phone to call Greg who then must borrow someone's vehicle to bring me his keys to open the door to the car so I can get my keys (That sounds like a pain, right?). I stopped mid-flat iron stroke hoping against hope that Greg hadn't locked the car doors after he backed it out of the garage for me (a story for another day).

The doors were open.

[Text to Greg] We are lucky today! I just realized my keys and phone are in the car and, luckily, you hadn't locked the door.

[Greg's reply] Wow. That is lucky

[My reply] No joke.

(Sidenote: Yes, I punctuate like that in text messages.)

As soon as I hit send on the last message, I thought, "Come on Wendy, you know that wasn't luck." I do know it wasn't "luck" and I didn't really mean it when I typed it. Why didn't I say what I knew it was? Blessed.

I knelt in prayer.


kate said...

beautiful. isn't it nice to know someone's watching out for you? loved it.

Coopers said...

Lee would probably say it was "Lucky" our bamboo plant that helped you. But we all really know that it was not.

Michele said...

When Elder Eyring gave his talk about just this subject, I started to try to keep track of the "lucky" things that happen each day-My eyes were opened. It also seems that the more we recognize those tender mercies- the more we are blessed.

Amylee said...

I love this because I do the same thing. Also, I believe in punctuating in text messages. Language and writing skills are going down the pot with all the e-mailing, texting and instant messaging these days.

Looks like you hit one of my pet peeves, doesn't it?