Monday, February 1, 2010


This is what happens when you ask someone to take your picture...

...You get a very fuzzy result (click to see the reality of the fuzz).

L - R: Elsa (the boss), Andy ("never eaten a waffle"), Wendy (the me), Rory (the photog)

This is what happens when someone takes your picture without you knowing...

...You get caught laughing your head off.

Not the greatest, but at least you get a glimpse of my ugly sweater and awesome red skinny jeans from Halloween.

*Sorry for the shrinky-dink photos. Photobucket was given me trouble. Grr.


  1. Cute girl!! I like the sweater/pants combo!


  2. ha ha! that is one ugly sweater! the man with the too small sweater looks stinkin hilarious too. watch out, it looks like rory is trying to touch your bum. . .probably cause you are so HOTT! (j/k. i know he's a happily married man. . .)
